For the race articles we did in class, I got the article about Whos Black, Who's White, and Who Cares- but this post is about another article that I heard about in class.
The article that intrigued me was the one about the school and the prom situation. I think that it's weird that the principal would ask the students if the dates that they were bringing to prom were of their same race. I wonder if this was a decision that he made on his own or if it was something that was a district discussion. I also have to wonder what gratification he gained by canceling their prom.
With it being in 1993, you would also think that people would be passed all of the racism and all. All at this time in age, its weird to think that some people havent moved passed it.
Ending of Caucasia
16 years ago
yeah i wonder to if it was a district descsion because he got elected the to the school board. Honestly at first i thought it was something that got blown outta proportion like he canceled it because to many people were going and they couldn't get something big enough to hold it in. Then i was told that he asked them individually so then it made it clear as to what happened
It's definetely weird
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